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About Us



Deyanira "Dee" LeGuillow

I’m born and raised in New York and have worked and managed in the furniture industry for over 18 years.  I’m a mother of three and a grandmother of one.  I made a bold career change and joined a company who establishes for-profits and nonprofits.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a love of motorcycles, fast cars, shooting pool and dancing.  Life Is Beautiful.


Alex Ubri

 My mother raised my brother and me in Haverhill/Boston, Mass.  Upon graduating high school, I enlisted in the US Army; serving for 12 years with 3 tours in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.  I was medically discharged in September 2014 and moved my family to Florida.  In July 2016, I suffered a spinal cord injury due to a motorcycle accident, that left me permanently paralyzed.  Already dealing with PTSD and chronic depression, I fell into an even deeper depression that made me suicidal to the point I was baker acted by the VA hospital in Lake Nona.  After 3 years of feeling isolated and alone, I wanted to do something to help others in a similar situation.


Saqualia "Q" Tate

Born and raised in little ol country Greenville, SC where family (“family”) was everything. Being raised by a single mother of 3 (2 brother and myself) showed me what true strength and ambition meant. My mother didn’t have much, but she instilled in us the need to strive to be the best we could be and to make a way out of what seems to be no way at all. I always had a passion to help others which encouraged my desire to work as a nursing assistant working with the developmentally disabled and special need. My upbringing is what gave me the strength to not give up and turn my back when things seemed to only be falling apart which in turn motivated my willingness to help and ensure those who find themselves in the same situation that there is a light at the end of what seems to be a never ending dark tunnel.

Make A Difference Today

Our Vision

This is a project that has been in the works for about 3 years.  Watching all my fellow rider friends/ brothers/ sisters,  vested and non vested riders go down and have  no support or financial assistance due to the life changing event.  
This is a nonprofit organization supporting riders and their families due to an unexpected accident causing life changing injuries or even death.  Our goal is to raise awareness to the drivers on how so many riders share the same roads.   To provide safety tips and assist in getting protective gear to those riders who cannot afford it.
There are so many organizations supporting other causes and very few supporting riders and their families.   This is an organization I hope to implement in all 50 states.   Please visit our website
Please feel free to share with friends and family,  we all know someone who rides.